McGregor residents continue to ask?
Why are my City Utilities so Expensive?
Residents have been complaining for years that their water bill is excessive and usage recording is irregular.
The City of McGregor borrowed millions for Utility upgrades, now they are again increasing the price we pay for Water and Wastewater.
We are organizing to persuade our City officials to begin “decreasing” the cost of City Services.
How Do We Do That?
We Petition to change the Water and Waste Water Demand Fee Monthly Rate to $30.00.

— To Participate – Choose One of These Three Methods —
1) Join using – [private] email
2) Call: (254) 723-8318
We will send you a Petition
3) Download and Sign [Paper]
We will collect all Petitions and present them to:
The Mayor and City Council
— Do you need more detailed information? – [read below] —
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