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The Facebook Group
McGregor Water and Streets


McGregor Residents have questions about “the Cost of their City Utilities” and “the Condition of their Streets.”

This Group is focused on identifying the City Water and Street Issues, documenting the current situation, and offering Potential Solutions that feature our Residents.

As a Group:

What do we want?
To “Lower the Cost of Living” for the Residents of McGregor.

How do we get it?
We refocus “City Spending” and “City Spending Priorities.”

WATER — [Our first Group effort] — We are organizing a Petition to the Mayor and City Council to “Reduce the Water and Waste Water Demand Fee Rates” which will lower the cost for water no matter the Usage. [Refer to our Member Post for the current details].

STREETS — [we are organizing this topic as our second “of many” future efforts] — We are collecting an album of Street images that document the current Street status. Our Third World Streets are lowering the Property values and we are organizing potential solutions that refocus City Priorities and City Spending. [Member Posts have details].

Our intent is to Lower the Cost of City Government and reestablish the idea that the Government should be a “cost savings” organization.

If you have questions about “our group” please ask any of our members for answers.

Members and Previewers

  • We are not an adversarial organization.
  • The City and the City Employees are not “the enemy.”

Remember – Our Petition is asking the Mayor and City Council for their attention and their assistance. [Be appropriately nice where possible].

McGregor uses a very complex and highly detailed method to calculate Your Utility Bill.

To reduce the Cost of Water [initially], we compared the cost of water to other areas like McGregor.  We tried many combinations until we realized one of the things that affect the cost of Water and Waste Water is the “Double Demand Fees” the City imposes.

If we reduce the Water and Waste Water Demand Fees to a Flat Rate of $30.00 that will Save each household $515.00+ Annually.

We are petitioning the Council to consider our Fee reduction idea and implement it in the 2021 City Budget.

Let’s lower the cost for City Government.


Sign The Water Fee Petition
Bewley Park Meeting Agenda

6:00pm – Saturday – May 16, 2020

The Bewley Park Pavilion
West 7th Street and Pierce Street


Core Group Assembles – [New Members – come early if you want to help our Group in the Future].


Petition Signing Begins – [McGregor Residents that Pay a Utility Bill].  One Signature per Household / Water Meter.


Meeting – Sherrie Chaudoin Speaks – [sign the Petition and listen to people].   Members will discuss “Lowering the Cost of Local Government by Refocusing Spending.”


Meeting Start – Agenda Topics Outlined.


Water Petition Discussion – [Read more about the Petition Details].


Street Discussion Begins – [Street Images and NEW Petition Strategies].


Meeting Ends – [Refreshments if you have them].


The McGregor Water and Streets Facebook Group has 600+ current members.

If you have Family or Friends, or an interest in the wellbeing of  McGregor, Texas you are invited to join our Group. 

We believe. with your support, our chances of negotiating with the McGregor City Council are “very good.” 

If you need help of any kind let any of us know.


Sherrie Chaudoin –

Sherry Adams

Mary Helen Overton

Brenda Lewallen

Dennis Fehler – – (254) 723-8318

If you can’t come to Bewley Park – We will come to you.

Please Visit and Consider Joining our Group

Read the Petition

[ Click on the Petition image to download ]

If you have any questions or issues regarding the City of McGregor

We recommend you contact our City Manager
Kevin Evans [directly]:
254-840-2806 [single number for all City contacts].