Strategic Community Planning – Details
1) Building Community and Quality of Life
Building Community and Quality of Life
Lower the cost of living in McGregor.
- Lower the City Departmental Expenditures.
- Lower the Cost for City Utilities and Services.
- Maintain Property Taxes at Appropriate Levels.
- Refocus 1/2 cent Sales Tax Revenues.

2) Infrastructure
Focus on the needs of the local Residents
- Create better Streets in all Residential Areas.
- Create a Community Network – WiFi.
One very contemporary 2013 idea we recommend is what the Steering Committee designated – Community WiFi. [Recommended long-range to 2050]
- Let’s organize a sub-committee to investigate. We contact Spectrum and ask them to visit with our committee and talk about costs. Reference –
- This effort should be considered for Type B Money. [ 1/2 cent sales tax money].
- This Community Broadband Network idea will serve MISD and our Community well into the future – if we act now.
A portion of the Original 2013 Steering Committee document – [Page 5 ] -Technology.

3) Residential Housing
Wellness & Recreation
Better incorporate and utilize existing MISD Facilities.
- Reallocate New Spending away from a City Parks focus.
- Maintain Existing City Parks
- Less Emphasis on New Parks.
We should encourage Residential development closer to the existing infrastructure. Developing 4 miles out of town is not an economically viable idea for Taxpayers.
Planning for a Community “closer to existing Goods and Services” is a better opportunity for us as Business Owners and Taxpayers.
4) Education
Education – [MISD], other.
Build Community Engagement to better support MISD.
- Review the “Strategic Plan” for McGregor ISD.
- Expand support for the MISD Foundation.
- Promote “Distance Learning” Opportunities for everyone.
5) Public Safety
Public Safety
Lower the cost for Public Safety.
- Reorganize the Police Department thru attrition.
- Organize Neighborhood Watch Groups.
- Consider Installing Strategic [trail] Cameras in Businesses and Neighborhoods.
6) Economic Development
Economic Development
It is not just about Downtown Businesses anymore.
- Re-Master Plan our Industrial Park – [find better land-use opportunities]
- Let Local Agents represent Industrial Opportunities from the Re-Master Plan.
- Better Organize Local Sales Tax Revenue Spending.
- Refocus MEDC Spending – [Away from the Exchange].
- Use Type B Funding to Develop a Main Street Business Designated Parking Plan.
In the previous 2013 and 2018 brochures, Main Street and Down Town were very frequently mentioned. Some vague solutions were offered.
Downtown McGregor has always been lacking in the Parking Department.
We should consider planning and organizing then Designating “appropriate parking” for the business [square footage] we want to attract to McGregor. Currently, there is not enough parking for the square footage of the buildings we have. The City currently leaves it up to each new business owner to discover that liability on their own.
On the same Parking map we should include ADA Compliant Bathrooms.
7) Wellness & Recreation
Wellness & Recreation
Better incorporate and utilize existing MISD Facilities.
- Reallocate Spending away from a City Parks focus.
- Maintain and enjoy existing City Parks
- Less Emphasis on spending for New Parks.