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Outline for the July 13th Council Meeting
In the coming two weeks – Outline
- We should be talking more about the Water Waste Water Fee Reduction. [ Summary ]
- Rejected – our Group is forbidden to Speak as part of the July Council Agenda.
- We should ALL be soliciting Council Members for their Support. | Douglas | Allison |
- We should be asking why we have not heard from the City regarding our recent “information requests?”
- We should be asking for “a Seat at the Table” to be part of the City Budget Negotiations.
Should We Consider?
- Reducing Funding for the Police Department.
- Reducing Funding for City Employees.
- Reducing Funding for MEDC.
- Reducing Funding for the Parks Subdivision.
- More?
- We should be talking about “Lowering” our Property Tax Rate.
We should request a 4% increase this year – [not the Maximum of 8%].

Suggested “Speakers and Topics?”
Two Weeks until the July 13th Council Meeting.
- Penna talks about the MEDC – Exchange
- Sherry talks about Water Transparency
- Sherrie talks about Water Cost and Issues +
- Mark talks about the Previous Studies
- Dennis talks about Streets Issues | Posting the Debt
- Prevent New Certificates of Obligation in 2021.
- More [if possible] Future Planning | Exchange Funding | Various Issues
REJECTED — We did not get on the July Council Agenda to follow-up with the Council Members on the Water Rate Fee Reduction Petition we presented in the June Council Meeting. The City is stalling? Waiting on a “study.” We are uncertain?

Below is the Correspondance from our Group to the City
Requesting to be on the July Council Agenda
Immediately after the June 2020 Council Meeting, we requested to be included in the July Agenda to discuss with the Council Members and answer any questions regarding the Water and Waste Water Demand Fee Reduction Petition organized by the McGregor Water and Streets Group.