Better Essential Services and New Community Priorities

A Suggested Approach to Community Planning
1) Building Community and Quality of Life
Lower the cost of living in McGregor.
- Lower the City Departmental Expenditures.
- Lower the Cost for City Utilities and Services.
- Maintain Property Taxes at Appropriate Levels.
- Refocus 1/2 cent Sales Tax Revenues.
2) Infrastructure
Focus on the needs of the local Residents
- Create better Streets in all Residential Areas.
- Create a Community Network – WiFi.
3) Residential Housing
Focus on City Growth closer to the City Core.
- Develop a Community Plan with realistic City “Development Opportunities.”
- Create incentives to attract Retired People.
4) Education – [MISD], other.
Build Community Engagement to better support MISD.
- Review the “Strategic Plan” for McGregor ISD.
- Expand support for the MISD Foundation.
- Promote “Distance Learning” Opportunities for everyone.
5) Public Safety
Lower the cost for Public Safety.
- Reorganize the Police Department thru attrition.
- Organize Neighborhood Watch Groups.
- Consider Installing Strategic [trail] Cameras in Businesses and Neighborhoods.
6) Economic Development
It is not just about Downtown Businesses anymore.
- Re-Mastered Plan our Industrial Park – [find better land-use opportunities]
- Let Local Land Agents represent Industrial Opportunities from the Re-Mastered Plan.
- Better Organize Local Sales Tax Revenue Spending.
- Refocus MEDC Spending – [Away from the Exchange].
- Develop Main Street Business Designated Parking Plan.
7) Wellness & Recreation
Better incorporate and utilize existing MISD Facilities.
- Reallocate Spending away from a City Parks focus.
- Maintain Existing City Parks
- Less Emphasis on New Parks.