To the Mayor and City Council of McGregor
Mayor Hering, City Council Members: Henderson – [Ward 1], Allison – [Ward 2] , Taylor – [Ward 3], Douglas – [Ward 4], and Ocampo – [Ward 5],
Residents that use very little water do not understand why their Water Bill is so expensive.
Surprisingly, it is not just the “Cost of the Water.” What makes our City supplied water so expensive are the monthly double “Demand Fees” for the “Water and for the Waste Water.”
We Petition to change the Water and Waste Water Demand Fee Monthly Rate to $30.00.
We propose a Single Demand Fee Rate of $30.00 for each water meter. [instead of the current $72.81]. Each Residential Water Meter would have a significant Monthly cost reduction of $42.91 – [for example]:
$72.91 [Existing Fee] minus $30.00 = “$42.91 Monthly Savings” – [to each Residential Customer].
$42.91 [Monthly Savings] x 12 Months = “$515.00 Annual Savings” – [to each Residential Customer].
If you pay a water bill in McGregor and agree that our Water Demand Fee Rates should be reduced –
Please “Get and Sign” the Petition.
Please – Download, Print, Complete, and Mail the Petition to:
Sherrie Chaudoin – 810 W 2nd – McGregor TX 76657
“Scan and eMail” to – sherriechaudoin@yahoo.com
Need a Petition for multiple signatures for your family, friends, or neighborhood? – Download a Petition Sheet for 12 Signatures.