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McGregor Water and Streets


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Please download and practice now – it will be very important to the MWaS Group in the near and distant future.

  • We are a group with 900+ members.
  • 500+ members “live in McGregor.”
  • We formed the first days of the quarantine this year.
  • Our primary goal is to reduce the cost to live in McGregor Texas.
  • Our focus is on City Spending.  In particular the Cost for Water and why we still have Third World Streets.
  • Recently, our group successfully lobbied with the City to lower the cost of water in 2021.
  • Now we know the “inner workings and hidden mechanisms” of the City – next year we will lobby sooner and louder to lower the cost for Water and Waste Water even more.
  • The “Double Demand FEES” are Why your Utility Bill continues to be “excessive.”
Read more about what we are doing —

McGregor Residents have questions about “the cost of their City Utilities” and “the Condition of their Streets.”
This Group is focused on identifying the City Water and Street Issues, documenting the current situation, and offering solutions that focus City spending on Residents.

WATER — [Our first Group effort] — We are organizing a Petition to the Mayor and City Council to “Reduce the Water and Waste Water Demand Fee Rates” which will lower the cost for water no matter the Usage. [Refer to our Member Post for the current details].

STREETS — [we are organizing this topic as our second “of many” future efforts] — We are collecting an album of Street images that document the current Street status. Our Third World Streets are lowering the Property values and we are organizing potential solutions that refocus City Priorities and City Spending. [Member Posts have details].

Our intent is to Lower the Cost of City Government and reestablish the idea that the Government should be a “cost savings” organization.

City of McGregor [Official] Website:

The Petition

We Petitioned the City to lower the Double Demand Fees for Water and Waste Water to a flat single rate of $30.00.  The City is using the Waste Water Fund as the money transfer [In and Out] mechanism.  This is how the City Pays the Certificates of Obligation Bonds you didn’t vote for.


The City Response

The City responded with this alternative.  It is “far short” of what we asked for.  While is it something, we feel there are numerous opportunities to lower the City’s Departmental Expenditures to a point of sustainability and use that money to lower the Cost to live in McGregor.


Let’s talk about SOLUTIONS. How do we fund “Lowering the Cost for Water and Waste Water?”

You Choose – A or B? — A) Keep increasing OUR Taxes -or- B) Decrease City Spending?  What is the “BEST” Payroll to Income Ratio for the City of McGregor? [Our Recommended Solution].
If we lower the City’s $4.5m Departmental Expenditures for 2021 by $800K we can cover the cost for the McGregor Water and Streets Petition to lower the Water and Waste Water Demand FEES. [Page 15/80].  [Print this page and use it as a guide to understanding the City Budget].

Learn “where the City Budget money originates” and “how it is allocated.”  
