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SpaceX Industrial Park

SpaceX Raptor Engine Testing

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For years McGregor has endured the Noise and Vibration generated from the SpaceX rocket engine testing. Many have complained to the City Council with no change.  In fact, with the recent addition of the Raptor engine testing the effect of the testing is more intense than ever before.

I have asked the city [in writing] to provide data that demonstrates the Noise and Vibration data SpaceX is required to provide to the City Of McGregor. The City Attorney has sent a letter to the Texas Attorney General Paxton and to SpaceX asking permission for that disclosure.  [Ref:]

What you read here is pure speculation.  The City of McGregor and SpaceX basically refuse to provide any facts regarding the testing or the test data from any engine testing.  They hide behind Confidentiality laws, Commercial and Financial Trade Secrets, Proprietary Information, and more.

It is my contention they are not in compliance with the terms of the contract with the City of McGregor and do not want to expose any data that proves that one way or another.  [my opinion].  

By now it is no secret that SpaceX’s Noise and Vibration are excessive.  The question becomes what will SpaceX Corporate do about it – and when?


Around 2015 both the Texas House and Senate voted unanimously to provide SpaceX and others with “Limited Liability” meaning they have near immunity from prosecution.  Texas wants to be in the Space Business.  


I have written to SpaceX Corporate requesting they become “better Texas neighbors” and do their very best to provide Noise and Vibration abatement as soon as possible.  Their comment was they are working on it.  We will see what happens.


SpaceX engine testing is located in the McGregor, Texas Industrial Park.  Apparently, there are three horizontal engine test stands – Area 3 has two of the three, and Area 1 has one test stand and is the oldest of all.   [Images are Google Earth, May 2021]


Test Area 1 is the oldest of all the engine Test Stands and has no Noise Suppression. [click on these 4 images to enlarge].

Test Area 2 is a legacy test area but has what appears to be the largest Noise Suppression system under construction. 

Test Area 3 has two horizontal test engine positions and has a new Noise Suppression system under construction that directs Noise and Vibration toward the South – [away from McGregor].

Test Area 4 has no horizontal engine test locations.  Test Area 4 appears purpose-built for Noise Suppression and also seems to have evidence of engine testing – [ground scarring].

Here are the locations of the engine test areas that have Noise Suppression.


The New Noise Suppression Details

There appear to be 3 new “noise suppression areas” located in Test Areas 2, 3, and 4.  The 3 areas appear to be “under construction.”   Test Area 4 may be complete and there is some evidence of scarring on the ground from an engine blast.  The images are 6 months old so all 3 Test Areas could be complete?   The question is when will they be in use and replacing the horizontal engine test stands that create the Noise and Vibration?

The Noise Suppression Areas appear to be “under construction.”

[Images are Google Earth, May 2021]

Test Area 2 appears to have the largest Noise Suppression equipment.  [click on these 3 images to enlarge].

Test Area 3 appears to be the most recent Noise Suppression installation.

Test Area 4 appears purpose-built for Noise Suppression and also seems to have evidence of engine testing – [ground scarring].

Here are the 4 SpaceX Test Areas as they were built over time from 2015 to 2021.  —  —